I haven't seen it yet because I was banned from my cineplex.
We had all lined up in front of the theater for about 30 minutes, and then they brought us in. I had to stand right beside these two fat, horse-faced lesbians eating each others tongues like they were making a political statement or something.
So, like 30 minutes later, we end up shuffling in the theater and these farking bitches start bitching about having to wait when the movie is about to start, mind you, it was 11 and it was a midnight showing. It turns out they were going to see that stupid Jim Carrey movie 23 and they were missing it. So, the ugliest of the two bitches just exclaims like no one's there "This is the wrong farking movie!"
I just had to do what I did next.
I shouted at the top of my lungs "This is SPARTA" and kicked her in the chest, causing her to fall down about 8 steps to the floor. Most were shocked, but about 80% of the theater started to cheer, and I was forcibly thrown out by 2 officers. Charges are going to be pressed against me apparently, but it was worth it.
heh ker car,
kjes to najdu
na mnenjalu ;) tm je itak večino neumnosti
hehe ker debilizem. kva če bi si pička zlomila hrbtenico al neki? a bi blo bet? pomoje bi blo
Najbrž bi blo.
Sam po mojem bi blo še bol bed če bi kdo dejansko dojel foro in se s tem izkopal iz greznice politične korektnosti...
uceri sm se trudla to gledat.
pa mi ni slo.
sm sla rajs spat.
pa sm se res trudla.
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